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Early College

The program is offered to qualified high school seniors in Newport News Public Schools who are prepared and interested in accelerating their coursework toward a college degree after they graduate from high school.

The Early College Program is a partnership between Newport News Public Schools and Virginia Peninsula Community College (VPCC). Seniors in this program may earn up to 19 semester hours of college credit prior to graduating from high school.

The courses offered within this program are all part of the Commonwealth College Course Collaborative, whereby Virginia public colleges and universities have agreed to accept transfer credit for these courses as part of their college's general educational requirements.

What are the benefits?

  • Provides students the opportunity to earn up to 19 transferable college credits at a reduced tuition rate.
  • Reduces the amount of time needed to earn a college or university degree.
  • Textbooks are provided by Newport News Public Schools.
  • Transportation is provided by Newport News Public Schools.
  • A Newport News Public Schools academic advisor is housed on the campus of VPCC.
  • Academic support is available to each student by Newport News Public Schools and VPCC.
  • Students may participate in their high school's extra-curricular activities while attending VPCC.

The Early College Model

  • Central focus is college readiness and high school-college transition.
  • Variety of transitional strategies employed to help students make the transition.
  • Partnership with community college.
  • Appreciates and understands the difference in a high school class and college course.